{"body": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "City of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nLaTonda Simmons, City\nCITY OF OAKLAND\nClerk\n*Special Community & Economic\nDevelopment Committee\nTuesday, March 19, 2019\n1:30 PM\nSgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor\nThe Oakland City Council Community And Econmic Development Committee convened\nat 1:35 p.m, with Vice Mayor Reid presiding as Chairperson.\nRoll Call / Call To Order\nPresent 4 - Larry Reid, Loren Taylor, Nikki Bas, and Noel Gallo\n1\nApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The Committee Meeting Held On March 5, 2019\n18-1496\nAttachments: View Report\nCouncilmember Gallo arrived at 1:37 p.m.\nA motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nAccepted. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 3 - - Reid Taylor, Bas\nAbsent 1 - Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\n2\nDetermination Of Schedule Of Outstanding Committee Items\n18-1497\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/15/2019\nThere was 1 change to the pending list.\nA motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nAccepted as Amended. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4- - Reid Taylor Bas, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 1\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 1, "path": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Community & Economic\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nDevelopment Committee\nSubject:\nCreating A Rental Registry\nFrom:\nCouncil President Gibson McElhaney\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report Of Policy Recommendations, Fiscal\nAnalysis, Staff Plan And A Recommendation Implementation Timeline And Possible\nActions To Begin Implementation To Create A Rental Registry The Purpose Of Which Is\nTo Improve The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of The City In Enforcing And Monitoring The\nResidential Rent Adjustment Program Through Greater Transparency In The Market\n15-0887\nThe committee removed this item from the pending list \"No Date Specific\"\nThis Informational Report be Withdrawn with No New Date.\nDUE TO THE PRESENCE OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT KAPLAN, A QUORUM OF THE CITY\nCOUNCIL WAS NOTED, AND A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE\nMEETING OF THE COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND TO\nCONVENE AS A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FULL COUNCIL AT 1:39 PM\n3\nSubject:\nRepeal And Adopt Code For Minimum Ceiling Heights\nFrom:\nCouncil President Kaplan\nRecommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt An Ordinance\nRepealing Part Of The Oakland Amendments To The 2016 Edition Of The State Housing\nLaw Regulations And The California Model Building Construction Codes Implemented\nThrough Ordinance No. 13407 And No. 13408 In The Oakland Municipal Code By\nStriking Out Sections And And Amending Section\n15.08.210.A By Adopting The Existing 2016 California Residential Code To Require A\nMinimum Ceiling Height Of 7' Feet For Habitable Spaces And 6 Feet 8 Inches For\nBathrooms Toilet Rooms, And Laundry Rooms In Buildings Within The Scope Of The\nCalifornia Residential Code As Set Forth In California Residential Code Section 1.1.3\n18-1486\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nContinued to go before the *Community & Economic Development Committee, to\nbe heard 4/9/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Reid Taylor Bas, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nTHE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED AT 1:57 PM AND\nRECONVENED AS THE COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE\nCity of Oakland\nPage 2\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 2, "path": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Community & Economic\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nDevelopment Committee\n4\nSubject:\nRent Adjustment Program Annual Reports\nFrom :\nHousing And Community Development Department\nRecommendation: Receive The Annual Report Of The Rent Adjustment Program For\nFiscal Years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, And 2017-18\n18-1488\nAttachments: View Report\nThere were 2 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nReceived and Forwarded to go before the Special Concurrent Meeting of the\nOakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council, to be heard 4/2/2019.\nThe motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Reid Taylor Bas, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\n5\nSubject:\nBuilding Code Ordinance\nFrom:\nOffice Of The City Attorney\nRecommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13408 C.M.S. And\nOrdinance No. 13407, Which Adopted California Building Codes With Local\nAmendments In Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 (Oakland Amendments To\nCalifornia Model Building Construction Codes) And 15.08 (Oakland Building Code\nMaintenance), To Create An Appeals Process Consistent With The California Building\nCode\n18-1513\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 4/12/2019\n13529 CMS\nProof Of Publication\nThere was 1 speaker on this item.\nA motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nApproved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Reid Taylor Bas, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\n2 speakers spoke during open forum.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 3\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 3, "path": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 4\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 4, "path": "SpecialCommunityAndEconomicDevelopmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "City of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nLaTonda Simmons, City\nCITY OF OAKLAND\nClerk\n*Special Finance & Management\nCommittee\nTuesday, March 19, 2019\n9:30 AM\nSgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor\nThe Oakland City Council Finance And Management Committee convened at 9:40 am,\nwith Councilmember Sheng presiding as Chairperson.\nRoll Call / Call To Order\nExcused 1 - - Lynette McElhaney\nPresent 3 - - Dan Kalb, Nikki Bas, and Sheng Thao\n1\nApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The Committee Meeting Held On March 5, 2019\n18-1492\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Nikki Bas, seconded by Dan Kalb, that this matter be\nApproved. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n2\nDetermination Of Schedule Of Outstanding Committee Items\n18-1493\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report\nThere was 1 speaker on this item.\nThere was one change to the pending list.\nThe Item Regarding \"The Vacancy Report\" was scheduled to be heard at the May\n14, 2019 Finance And Management Committee\nA motion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nAccepted as Amended. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1- - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 1\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 1, "path": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Finance & Management\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\n3 The Item Regarding \"Ordinance Harmonizing Cannabis Business Tax Rates\" Was\nRemoved From This Agenda At The March 14, 2019 Rules And Legislation Committee\n4\nSubject:\nRAP Fee Increase\nFrom:\nHousing And Community Development Department\nRecommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13497 C.M.S. (The\n2018-19 Master Fee Schedule) To Increase The Rent Adjustment Program Service Fee\nFrom $68.00 Per Unit To $101.00 Per Unit\n18-1483\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/29/2019\n13531 CMS\nProof Of Publication\nThe Committee requested a supplemental report that includes a chart that\ncompares other cities RAP fees to ours, and amend the legislation to explicitly give\nan option to Landlords that pass half to be able to spread out payment over 6\nmonths.\nThere were 4 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nApproved as Amended the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before\nthe Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor\nAgency/City Council, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following\nvote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n5\nSubject:\nPolice And Fire Retirement System Investment PFRS\nFrom:\nFinance Department\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Oakland Police And Fire\nRetirement System (\"PFRS\") Investment Portfolio As Of December 31, 2018\n18-1494\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Sheng Thao, that this matter be\nReceived and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 2\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 2, "path": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Finance & Management\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\n6\nSubject:\nSemi Annual The Status Of Required Audits\nFrom:\nOffice Of The City Auditor\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The City Auditor On The Status\nOf Required Audits\n18-1495\nAttachments: View Report\nThere was 1 speaker on this item.\nA motion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nReceived and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3- - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n7\nSubject:\nReport From Affordable Housing And Infrastructure Oversight Committee\nFrom:\nFinance Department\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report On Expenditures Of Funds\"\nPrepared By The Affordable Housing And Infrastructure Bond Public Oversight\nCommittee (Measure KK)\n18-1485\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/22/2019\nThe Committee requested a supplemental report that includes a timeline for the\ndesigns and completion of projects.\nThere were 5 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nReceived and Forwarded to go before the Special Concurrent Meeting of the\nOakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council, to be heard 4/2/2019.\nThe motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 3\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 3, "path": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Finance & Management\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\n8\nSubject:\nFiscal Year 2019-24 Five Year Financial Forecast\nFrom:\nFinance Department\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The City Of Oakland Five-Year\nFinancial Forecast Prepared In Accordance With The City Of Oakland's Consolidated\nFiscal Policy, Ordinance 13279 C.M.S.\n18-1511\nAttachments: View Report\nThere were 2 speakers on this item.\nA\nmotion was made by Dan Kalb, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter be\nReceived and Forwarded to go before the Special Concurrent Meeting of the\nOakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council, to be heard 4/16/2019.\nThe motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - Kalb Bas, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\n3 speakers spoke during open forum.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland City\nCouncil Finance & Management Committee adjourned the meeting at 11:55 a.m.\n* In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the\nmeeting is noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City\nCouncil action can be taken.\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee\nmeetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the\nCity Clerk 5 days prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to\nensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with\nenvironmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing\nstrongly scented products to meetings.\nOffice of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510)238-6406\nFax: (510) 238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386\nTelecommunications Display Device: (510) 238-3254\nCity of Oakland\nPage 4\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 4, "path": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Finance & Management\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\nMATERIALS RELATED TO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL\nAFTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE AGENDA PACKETS MAY BE VIEWED IN THE OFFICE OF THE\nCITY CLERK, 1 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR, OAKLAND, CA 94612 FROM\n8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 5\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 5, "path": "SpecialFinanceAndManagementCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "City of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nLaTonda Simmons, City\nCITY OF OAKLAND\nClerk\n*Special Life Enrichment Committee\nTuesday, March 19, 2019\n4:00 PM\nSgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor\nThe Special Life Enrichment Committee convened at 4:02 p.m. with Councilmember Taylor\npresiding as Chairperson.\nRoll Call / Call To Order\nExcused 1 - Lynette McElhaney\nPresent 3 - Loren Taylor, Nikki Bas, and Rebecca Kaplan\n1\nApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The Committee Meeting Of March 5, 2019\n18-1502\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - McElhaney\nAye 3 - Taylor Bas, Kaplan\nNO VOTE 0\n2\nDetermination Of Schedule Of Outstanding Committee Items\n18-1503\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report\nThere was 1 speaker on this item\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Taylor Bas, Kaplan\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 1\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 1, "path": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Life Enrichment\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\n3\nSubject:\nUpdates On The Department Of Violence\nFrom:\nOffice Of The City Administrator\nRecommendation: Receive An Information Report On Updates From The Office Of The\nCity Administrator On The Implementation Of Ordinance Number 13451 C.M.S., Which\nEstablished The Department Of Violence Prevention On Ending The Epidemic Of Violent\nCrime In Oakland And Healing Trauma In Impacted Communities\n18-1504\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/15/2019\nThere were 2 speakers on this item\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Received and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Taylor Bas, Kaplan\nNO VOTE 0\n4\nSubject:\nResolution To Purchase Library Microcomputer Workstations\nFrom:\nOakland Public Library Department\nRecommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces of Legislation;\n1) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Award A Contract To PC\nProfessional, The Lowest Responsible And Responsive Bidder, In An Amount Not To\nExceed Two Hundred Seventy-Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($274,500.00) To\nPurchase Microcomputer Workstations For The Oakland Public Library In Accordance\nWith Specification No. 17-204-00 / Request For Quotation 135501; And\n18-1474\nAttachments: View Report\n87594 CMS\nThere was 1 speaker on this item\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Approved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the *\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and the\nCity Council, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - - McElhaney\nAye 3 - - Taylor Bas, Kaplan\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 2\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 2, "path": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Life Enrichment\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\n2) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Award A Contract To Newport\nWest Computers Inc, The Lowest Responsible And Responsive Bidder, In An Amount\nNot To Exceed One Hundred And Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($102,300.00)\nTo Purchase Laptops For The Oakland Public Library In Accordance With Specification\nNo. 17-204-00 / Request For Quotation (RFQ) 136480\n18-1522\nAttachments: View Report\n87595 CMS\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Approved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the *\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and the\nCity Council, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nExcused 1 - McElhaney\nAye 3 - Taylor Bas, Kaplan\nNO VOTE 0\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\n2 speakers spoke during Open Forum.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Special Life\nEnrichment Committee adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.\n* In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the\nmeeting is noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City\nCouncil action can be taken.\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee\nmeetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the\nCity Clerk 5 days prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to\nensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with\nenvironmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing\nstrongly scented products to meetings.\nOffice of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510) 238-6406\nFax: (510)238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386\nTelecommunications Display Device: (510)238-3254\nCity of Oakland\nPage 3\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 3, "path": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Life Enrichment\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nCommittee\nMATERIALS RELATED TO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL\nAFTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE AGENDA PACKETS MAY BE VIEWED IN THE OFFICE OF THE\nCITY CLERK, 1 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR, OAKLAND, CA 94612 FROM\n8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 4\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 4, "path": "SpecialLifeEnrichmentCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "City of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nLaTonda Simmons, City\nCITY OF OAKLAND\nClerk\n*Special Public Safety Committee\nTuesday, March 19, 2019\n6:00 PM\nSgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor\nThe Oakland City Council Public Safety Committee convened at 6:02 p.m, with\nCouncilmember Gallo presiding as Chairperson.\nRoll Call / Call To Order\nPresent 4 - Loren Taylor, Nikki Bas, Rebecca Kaplan, and Noel Gallo\n1\nApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The Committee Meeting Held On February 19, 2019\n18-1498\nAttachments: View Report\nThis Report and Recommendation be Accepted.\n2\nDetermination Of Schedule Of Outstanding Committee Items\n18-1499\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report\nThere was 1 speaker on this item.\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Accepted. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Taylor Bas Kaplan, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 1\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 1, "path": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Safety Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\n3\nSubject:\nMichael Palmertree Professional Services Contract\nFrom:\nOakland Police Department\nRecommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To: 1) Waive\nThe Competitive Request For Proposals Qualifications (RFP/Q) Process, The\nAdvertising And Bidding Requirements, And Local And Small Local Business Enterprise\nPrograms (L/SLB) Provisions For The Purchase Of Professional Services; And 2) Enter\nInto A Professional Services Agreement With Michael Palmertree To Provide Behavior\nScience Consultation And Training Services To The Oakland Police Department For The\nPeriod Of July 1, 2019 To June 30, 2022, With An Option To Extend For An Additional\nTwo Years, In The Amount Of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) Per Year, With\nA Total Contract Amount Of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000)\n18-1445\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/22/2019\n87596 CMS\nThe Committee requested a supplemental report of past performance evaluations.\nThere were 2 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Nikki Bas, that this matter\nbe Approved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Taylor Bas Kaplan, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\n4\nSubject:\nUnapproved Surveillance Technology Under Exigent Circumstances\nFrom:\nOakland Police Department\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Use Of Unapproved\nSurveillance Technology Under Exigent Circumstances In Accordance With Oakland\nMunicipal Code (OMC) 9.64.035 And Forward To The City Council\n18-1472\nAttachments: View Report\nThere were 2 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Loren Taylor, that this\nmatter be Received and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Taylor Bas Kaplan, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 2\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 2, "path": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Safety Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\n5\nSubject:\nQuarterly Report From Oakland Police Commission\nFrom:\nCouncilmember Gallo\nRecommendation: Receive A Quarterly Progress Report From Oakland The Police\nCommission\n18-1379\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 4/5/2019\nView Attachment A\nView Attachment B\nThe Committee continued the item to April 9th with direction to include a draft job\ndescription of the Inspector General, who the administrative analyst reports to, have\nthey been directed to not attend the Commission meetings and the hiring status of\nthe Attorney.\nThere were 4 speakers on this item.\nA\nmotion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Loren Taylor, that this\nmatter be Continued to go before the *Public Safety Committee, to be heard\n4/9/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Taylor Bas Kaplan, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\n6\nSubject:\nResource Development Associates 2018 Measure Z Annual Report\nFrom:\nOffice Of The City Administrator\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report And Presentation By Resource\nDevelopment Associates (RDA) Of Measure Z 2018: Community Policing Neighborhood\nServices Evaluation Annual Report\n18-1484\nAttachments: View Report\nThe Committee continued the item to October 8th with an update on the\nperformance measures and data collection.\nThere were 6 speakers on this item.\nA motion was made by Rebecca Kaplan, seconded by Loren Taylor, that this\nmatter be Continued to go before the *Public Safety Committee, to be heard\n10/8/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Taylor Bas Kaplan, Gallo\nNO VOTE 0\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\n7 speakers spoke during open forum.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 3\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 3, "path": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Safety Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland City\nCouncil Public Safety Committee adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.\n* In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the\nmeeting is noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City\nCouncil action can be taken.\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee\nmeetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the\nCity Clerk 5 days prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to\nensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with\nenvironmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing\nstrongly scented products to meetings.\nOffice of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510) 238-6406\nFax: (510) 238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386\nTelecommunications Display Device: (510) 238-3254\nMATERIALS RELATED TO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL\nAFTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE AGENDA PACKETS MAY BE VIEWED IN THE OFFICE OF THE\nCITY CLERK, 1 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR, OAKLAND, CA 94612 FROM\n8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 4\nPrinted on 4/23/2019", "page": 4, "path": "SpecialPublicSafetyCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "City of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nLaTonda Simmons, City\nCITY OF OAKLAND\nClerk\n*Special Public Works Committee\nTuesday, March 19, 2019\n11:30 AM\nSgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor\nThe Special Public Works Committee convened at 11:59 a.m. with President Pro Tempore Kalb\npresiding as Chairperson.\nRoll Call / Call To Order\nPresent 4 - Dan Kalb, Larry Reid, Noel Gallo, and Sheng Thao\n1\nApproval Of The Draft Minutes From The Committee Meeting Of March 5, 2019\n18-1500\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Noel Gallo, seconded by Sheng Thao, that this matter be\nApproved. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n2\nDetermination Of Schedule Of Outstanding Committee Items\n18-1501\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report\nA motion was made by Sheng Thao, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nApproved. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n3\nSubject:\nCalTrans Annual Progress Report\nFrom:\nOffice Of The City Administrator\nRecommendation: Receive The 2019 Annual Progress Report On Caltrans Maintenance\nActivities In The City Of Oakland\n18-1357\nSponsors: Office Of The City Administrator\nAttachments: View Report\nA motion was made by Noel Gallo, seconded by Sheng Thao, that this matter be\nReceived and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote:\nCity of Oakland\nPage 1\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 1, "path": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Works Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nAye 4- - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n4\nSubject:\nLarge Commercial Vehicle Restrictions\nFrom:\nTransportation Department\nRecommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Section 10.52.060 Of The Oakland\nMunicipal Code To Add 56th St And 58th St Between Shattuck Ave And Telegraph Ave\nTo The List Of City Streets Where Commercial Vehicles Exceeding Four And One-Half\nTons Are Prohibited\n18-1478\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/15/2019\nA motion was made by Noel Gallo, seconded by Sheng Thao, that this matter be\nApproved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n5\nSubject:\nOn-Call Transportation Engineering And ITS Services\nFrom:\nTransportation Department\nRecommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation;\n1) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To Execute Professional\nServices Agreements For On-Call Transportation Engineering And Intelligent\nTransportation Systems (ITS) Services In The Amount Of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars\n($500,000) Each To Two (2) Tier I Firms Including: 1) Aliquot Associates And 2) Diablo\nEngineering Group; And\n18-1475\nAttachments:\nView Report\n87590 CMS\nA motion was made by Larry Reid, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nApproved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4- - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 2\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 2, "path": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Works Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\n2) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To Execute Professional\nServices Agreements For On-Call Transportation Engineering And Intelligent\nTransportation Systems (ITS) Services In The Amount Of One Million Dollars\n($1,000,000) Each To Nine (9) Tier Il Firms Including: 1) Advanced Mobility Group, 2) Alta\nPlanning+Design, 3) ARUP, 4) DKS Associates, 5) Fehr & Peers, 6) Kimley-Horn &\nAssociates, 7) Kittelson & Associates, 8) Parsons, And 9) Wood Rodgers\n18-1476\nAttachments: View Report\n87591 CMS\nA motion was made by Larry Reid, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nApproved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\n6\nSubject:\nLAMMPS Streetscape Project\nFrom:\nTransportation Department\nRecommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation;\n1) A Resolution Waiving Advertising And Competitive Bidding And Authorizing The City\nAdministrator Or Her Designee, To Increase The Change Order Limit For The Contract\nWith Ray's Electric, Inc. For The Laurel Access To Mills, Maxwell Park & Seminary\n(LAMMPS) Streetscape Project (Project No. 1000634) From Ten Percent (10%) To\nTwenty-Five Percent (25%) Of The Original Contract For A Total Contract Amount\nNot-To-Exceed Eight Million Ninety-Six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars And Fifty\nCents ($8,096,250.50); And\n18-1479\nAttachments: View Report\nView Supplemental Report 3/15/2019\n87592 CMS\nA motion was made by Sheng Thao, seconded by Noel Gallo, that this matter be\nApproved the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to go before the Special\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City\nCouncil, to be heard 4/2/2019. The motion carried by the following vote:\nAye 4 - - Kalb Reid Gallo, Thao\nNO VOTE 0\nCity of Oakland\nPage 3\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 3, "path": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "NO VOTE 0\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\n2 speakers spoke during Open Forum.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Special\nPublic Works Committee adjourned the meeting at 12:34 p.m.\n* In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the\nmeeting is noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City\nCouncil action can be taken.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 4\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 4, "path": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"} {"body": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2019-03-19", "text": "*Special Public Works Committee\nMeeting Minutes - FINAL\nMarch 19, 2019\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee\nmeetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the\nCity Clerk 5 days prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to\nensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with\nenvironmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing\nstrongly scented products to meetings.\nOffice of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510)238-6406\nFax: (510) 238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386\nTelecommunications Display Device: (510)238-3254\nMATERIALS RELATED TO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL\nAFTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE AGENDA PACKETS MAY BE VIEWED IN THE OFFICE OF THE\nCITY CLERK, 1 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR, OAKLAND, CA 94612 FROM\n8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.\nCity of Oakland\nPage 5\nPrinted on 4/9/2019", "page": 5, "path": "SpecialPublicWorksCommittee/2019-03-19.pdf"}