{"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Meeting Minutes\nCity of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nLaTonda Simmons, City Clerk\n*Public Safety Committee\nOakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, California, 94612\nCity of Oakland Website: http://www.oaklandnet.com\nTuesday, December 12, 2006\n7:30 PM\nHearing Room One - 1st Floor\nRoll Call / Call to Order\nCouncilmember Absent: 1 - Member Nadel\nCouncilmember Present: 3 - Member Kernighan, Member Quan and Chair Reid\nThe Oakland City Council Public Safety Committee convened at 7:38 p.m., with\nCouncilmember Reid presiding as Chairperson.\n1\nApproval of the Draft Minutes from the Committee Meeting held on November 28, 2006\nA motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Member Kernighan, to\n*Approve the Minutes. The motion carried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Absent: Member Nadel\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Kernighan, Member Quan and Chair Reid", "page": 1, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "2\nDetermination of Schedule of Outstanding Committee Items\nA motion was made by Member Kernighan, seconded by Member Quan, to\n*Approve with the following amendments. The motion carried by the\nfollowing vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Absent: Member Nadel\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Kernighan, Member Quan and Chair Reid\nFROM THE JANUARY 23, 2007 PENDING LIST\n#2\nSubject: Fire Fighting Capacity\nFrom:\nCouncilmember Nancy J. Nadel\nRecommendation: Action On A Report And Recommendations From The City Of Oakland Fire\nDepartment Regarding Fire-Fighting Capacity For High-Rise Buildings, City-Wide, And An\nAssessment Of Capacity Required For Oak Knoll, Oakland Army Base, And The Oak To 9th\nDevelopments (TITLE CHANGE)\n06-0969\n*Rescheduled to *Public Safety Committee on 2/13/2007\nFROM THE FOR TRACKING PURPOSES PENDING LIST\n#6", "page": 2, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Subject:\nDeemed Approved Program\nFrom:\nChief, Oakland Police Department\nRecommendation: Receive A Semi-Annual Status Report On The Activities Of the Alcoholic\nBeverage Action Team (ABAT) Deemed Approved Program\n06-1010\nScheduled to *Public Safety Committee on 1/9/2007\nView Report.pdf\n#14\nSubject: Special Traffic Offender Program (STOP)\nFrom:\nOakland Police Department\nRecommendation: Action On A Status Report And Recommendation From The Chief Of\nPolice On The Special Traffic Offender Program (STOP)\n06-1009\nScheduled to *Public Safety Committee on 1/9/2007\nView Report.pdf\nThe Roll Call was modified to note Councilmember Nadel present at 8:00 p.m.\n3\nSubject: Domestic Violence Forum\nFrom:\nVice Mayor Jean Quan\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Domestic Violence Forum\n06-0923\nA motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Member Kernighan,\nthat this matter be *Received and Filed. The motion carried by the", "page": 3, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Nadel, Member Kernighan, Member Quan and\nChair Reid\nThe following individual(s) spoke and did not indicate a position on this item:\n- Sanjiv Handa\nView Report.pdf\n4\nSubject: Violence Prevention And Public Safety Act Of 2004 (Measure Y)\nFrom:\nOffice of the City Administrator\nRecommendation: Receive An Informational Report Regarding Implementation Of The\nPrograms And Services Funded By The Violence Prevention And Public Safety Act Of 2004\n(Measure Y) From The City Administrator's Office, Department Of Human Services, Oakland\nPolice Department And Oakland Fire Department\n06-0868", "page": 4, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "A motion was made by Member Nadel, seconded by Member Kernighan,\nthat this matter be *Received and Filed. The motion carried by the\nfollowing vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Nadel, Member Kernighan, Member Quan and\nChair Reid\nThe Committee directed staff to address the following in future reports: 1)\nTimeline indicating when all fire prevention positions will be filled; 2)\nadditional methods to provide consistent interaction between interested youth", "page": 5, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "and fire agency personnel; 3) police agency visits to neighborhood\norganizations; 4) tracking of truant students; 5) crime levels before and after\nMeasure Y; and 5) customer satisfaction survey with problem solving officers.\nThe following individual(s) spoke and did not indicate a position on this item:", "page": 6, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Sanjiv Handa\nView Report.pdf\n5\nSubject:\nGang Prevention And Intervention Services\nFrom:\nDepartment of Human Services\nRecommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Execute\nAgreements Between The City Of Oakland And Project Re-Connect For An Amount Not To\nExceed $85,000 And The Oakland Unified School District Office Of Alternative Education For", "page": 7, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "An Amount Not To Exceed $255,000 To Provide Gang Prevention And Intervention Services\nIn Accordance With The Violence Prevention And Public Safety Act Of 2004 For The Period\nOf January 1, 2007 To December 31, 2007 With A One Year Option To Renew\n06-0930\nA motion was made by Member Nadel, seconded by Member Quan, that\nthis matter be *Approve the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency/City Council,\ndue back on December 19, 2006 as a Non-Consent item. The motion carried\nby the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Nadel, Member Kernighan, Member Quan and\nChair Reid", "page": 8, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The following individual(s) spoke and did not indicate a position on this item:\n- Sanjiv Handa\nView Report.pdf,\n80346 CMS.pdf\n6\nSubject:\nSmoking Ordinance Amendment\nFrom:\nOffice of the City Administrator\nRecommendation: Action On A Report And Proposal For Amendments To Oakland Municipal\nCode Chapter 8.30, Oakland's Smoking Ordinance, As Requested By The Public Safety\nCommittee, And Request For Direction From The City Council Whether To Proceed With The\nProposed Ordinances For City Council Consideration\n06-0967\nContinued to *Public Safety Committee", "page": 9, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "No date specified", "page": 10, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The Committee directed staff to address the following priorities in draft\namendments for the next report: 1) Common outdoor areas in multi-family", "page": 11, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "housing; 2) child care centers; 3) bus stops; 4) outside dining spaces; 5)\ncommon dining areas; 6) family daycare; 7) park and playground areas; and 8)", "page": 12, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "trails.", "page": 13, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The following individual(s) spoke in favor of this item:\n- Serena Chen", "page": 14, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Leo Huey\n- Connie Phu", "page": 15, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Ricky Qian Liang", "page": 16, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The following individual(s) spoke against this item:\n- Echa Lee Schneider", "page": 17, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Jonathan M. Bair", "page": 18, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The following individual(s) spoke and did not indicate a position on this item:\n- Angie Orante", "page": 19, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Paul L. Cummings\n- Sanjiv Handa\nView Report.pdf\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\nThe following individual(s) spoke under Open Forum:\n- Jonathan M. Bair\n- Sanjiv Handa", "page": 20, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Adjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland\nCity Council Public Safety Committee adjourned the meeting at 9:33 p.m.\n*\nIn the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the meeting is\nnoticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City Council action can\nbe taken.\nNOTE:\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee meetings\nplease contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the City Clerk 48", "page": 21, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "hours prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.\nAlso, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with environmental illness or multiple\nchemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strongly scented products to meetings.", "page": 22, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Office of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510)238-6406\nFax: (510)238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386", "page": 23, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicSafetyCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 839-6451\nTDD\nCity Clerk and Clerk of the Council", "page": 24, "path": "PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Meeting Minutes\nCity of Oakland\nOffice of the City Clerk\nOakland City Hall\n1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza\nOakland, California 94612\nLaTonda Simmons, City Clerk\n*Public Works Committee\nOakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, California 94612\nCity of Oakland Website: http://www.oaklandnet.com\nTuesday, December 12, 2006\n12:30 PM\nHearing Room One - 1st Floor\nRoll Call / Call to Order\nCouncilmember Present: 4 - Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang\nThe Oakland City Council Public Works Committee Committee convened at\n12:32 p.m., with Councilmember Nadel presiding as Chairperson.\n1\nApproval of the Draft Minutes from the Committee Meeting held on November 28, 2006\nA motion was made by Member Brooks, seconded by Member Quan, to\n*Approve the Minutes. The motion carried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang", "page": 1, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "2\nDetermination of Schedule of Outstanding Committee Items\nA motion was made by Member Brooks, seconded by Member Chang, to\n*Approve with the following amendments. The motion carried by the\nfollowing vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang\nFROM THE PENDING/NO SPECIFIC DATE LIST\n#8\nSubject:\nExterior Lighting At Schools\nFrom:\nCouncilmember Nancy Nadel\nRecommendation: Action On A Report Recommending An Increase In Exterior Lighting At\nSchools With After-School Programs Or Activities After 5 PM During The Winter To Improve\nPublic Safety For Staff And Youth\n06-0862\nReferred to the next Education Partnership Committee Meeting\nView Report.pdf\n3\nSubject: Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Performance Results\nFrom:\nOffice of the City Administrator", "page": 2, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report On Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Performance\nMeasure Results For the Public Works Agency\n06-0884\nForwarded to a January 2007 Public Works Committee Meeting\nView Report.pdf\n4\nSubject:\nUtility Boxes\nFrom:\nCouncilmember Jane Brunner\nRecommendation: Action On A Report And Recommendations Regarding The Design Of\nUtility Boxes Installed In The Public Right Of Way In The City Of Oakland, Including The\nConsideration Of Undergrounding And Designs Appropriate To Residential Neighborhoods\n06-0928\nA motion was made by Member Brooks, seconded by Member Quan, that\nthis matter be * *Approve as Amended the Recommendation of Staff, and\nForward to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment", "page": 3, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Agency/City Council, due back on December 19, 2006 as a Non-Consent\nitem. The motion carried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang", "page": 4, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The Committee approved an urgency moratorium ordinance submitted by the\nOffice of Councilmember Brunner with the following amendments: 1) The", "page": 5, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "moratorium ending date noted in Section 6 to be revised from February 28,\n2006 to February 5, 2006; and 2) option to resolve installation issues by", "page": 6, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "administrative review. The Committee directed staff on the following issues: 1)\nlook at the planning guidelines used by San Francisco; 2) more information", "page": 7, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "from other City staff besides CEDA and PWA; 3) staff to send more information\nto other departments for additional public noticing; 4) strict guidelines on how", "page": 8, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "citizens can work on getting something better; 5) notification of\nCouncilmembers when permits are issued in their district; 6) more detailed", "page": 9, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "design review process; 7) undergrounding when feasible and provide a means\nby which the applicant can prove otherwise; 8) if project goes to design review,", "page": 10, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "then all players to be at the table for discussion; 9) Councilmember Brunner\nstaff to work with CEDA staff on installation issues; and 10) initiate the same", "page": 11, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "design review process for City owned facility boxes.", "page": 12, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "The following individual(s) spoke and did not indicate a position on this item:\n- Joann Walls", "page": 13, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Dimitri Belser\n- Chris Jackson", "page": 14, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- Barbara Leslie\n- Linda E. Brown", "page": 15, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "- David E. Glover\n- Tom Guarino\nView Report.pdf,", "page": 16, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "View Report.pdf,\nView Report.pdf,\nView Report.pdf,\nView Supplemental Report.pdf\n5\nSubject: Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction\nFrom:\nPublic Works Agency\nRecommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Adopting The \"Standard Specifications For Public\nWorks Construction, 2006 Edition\" And Repealing Ordinance No. 12614 C.M.S. And All\nResolutions Related Thereto\n06-0913\nA motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Member Brooks, that", "page": 17, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "this matter be *Approve the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency/City Council,\ndue back on December 19, 2006 as a Consent Calendar item. The motion\ncarried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang\nView Report.pdf\n6\nSubject: Zephyr Gate Subdivision\nFrom:\nCommunity and Economic Development Agency\nRecommendation: Adopt A Resolution Granting Pulte Homes Corporation A Revocable And\nConditional Permit To Allow Electrical Transformers And Vaults For The Zephyr Gate\nSubdivision At 1203 - 1333 Wood Street To Encroach Under The Public Sidewalk Along", "page": 18, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Wood Street, 12th Street, And 14th Street\n06-0941\nA motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Member Chang, that\nthis matter be * Approve the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency/City Council,\ndue back on December 19, 2006 as a Consent Calendar item. The motion\ncarried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang\nView Report.pdf,\nView Supplemental Report.pdf,\n80323 CMS.pdf\n7\nSubject: Rajappan & Meyer - Contract Amendment", "page": 19, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "From:\nPublic Works Agency\nRecommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Amend The\nContract With Rajappan & Meyer Consulting Engineers Inc. To Add Additional Design And\nEngineering Services For The 12th Street Reconstruction Project And To Increase The Contract\nFrom Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,700,000.00) To A Total Contact\nAmount Not-To-Exceed Five Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,500,000.00), And\nWaive The RFP Requirement For The New Work\n06-0963", "page": 20, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "A motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Chair Nadel, that this\nmatter be Forwarded with No Recommendation to the Concurrent Meeting\nof the Oakland Redevelopment Agency/City Council, due back on\nDecember 19, 2006 as a Non-Consent item. The motion carried by the\nfollowing vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Abstained: Member Brooks\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Chair Nadel and Member Chang\nThe Committee directed staff to report on the percentage of dollars to be\nreceived by outside firms and local firms in the contract. The Committee also\ndirected staff to consult with the contractor urging them to utilize local", "page": 21, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "subcontractors. The Committee further directed staff to look at how to circulate\ndollars within the City by using local subcontractors.\nView Report.pdf,\n80343 CMS.pdf\n8\nSubject: Harrison Street/Oakland Avenue Corridor Transportation Plan\nFrom:\nPublic Works Agency\nRecommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Of Oakland To Apply For,\nAccept, And Appropriate Up To One Hundred Eighty-Seven Thousand And Fifty Dollars\n($187,050.00) In Fiscal Year 2007-2008 California Department Of Transportation", "page": 22, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant Funds For The Harrison /Oakland Corridor\nCommunity Transportation Plan\n06-0964\nA motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Chair Nadel, that this\nmatter be *Approve the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the\nConcurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency/City Council,\ndue back on December 19, 2006 as a Consent Calendar item. The motion\ncarried by the following vote:\nVotes:\nCouncilmember Aye: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and\nMember Chang\nView Report.pdf,\n80324 CMS.pdf\nOpen Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES)\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland\nCity Council Public Works Committee adjourned the meeting at 1:37 p.m.\n*", "page": 23, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the meeting is\nnoticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City Council action can\nbe taken.\nNOTE:\nAmericans With Disabilities Act\nIf you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee meetings\nplease contact the Office of the City Clerk. When possible, please notify the City Clerk 48", "page": 24, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "hours prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.\nAlso, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with environmental illness or multiple\nchemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strongly scented products to meetings.", "page": 25, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Office of the City Clerk - Agenda Management Unit\nPhone: (510)238-6406\nFax: (510)238-6699\nRecorded Agenda: (510) 238-2386", "page": 26, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicWorksCommittee", "date": "2006-12-12", "text": "Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 839-6451\nTDD\nCity Clerk and Clerk of the Council", "page": 27, "path": "PublicWorksCommittee/2006-12-12.pdf"}