body,date,text,page,path OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyAndCityCouncil,2022-07-19,"continue the item to the July 26, 2022 Special City Council Meeting. A substitute motion was made by Councilmember Taylor, seconded by Councilmember Kalb to adopt the ordinance with staff recommendations. The motion failed with the following vote: 3 Ayes: Kalb, Reid, Taylor; 3 No: Gallo, Thao, Bas As a direct result of the failed motion, the item was terminated, therefore eliminating the main motion to continue the item. A motion was made by Pro Tempore Thao, seconded by Councilmember Gallo to schedule a new item (22-0648) ""Ordinance To Amend Ordinance No. 13647 C.M.S"" to the July 26, 2022 Special City Council Meeting. The motion passed with a vote of 6 Ayes: Gallo, Kalb, Reid, Taylor, Thao, Fortunato Bas; 2 Excused: Fife, Kaplan A motion was made by Loren Taylor, seconded by Dan Kalb, that this matter be Approved On Introduction and Scheduled for Final Passage to go before the Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council, to be heard 7/26/2022. The motion failed by the following vote: Excused: 2 - Fife, and Kaplan Aye: 3 - Kalb, Reid, and Taylor No: 3 - - Gallo, Fortunato Bas, and Thao NO VOTE: 0 SCHEDULING MOTION City of Oakland Page 33 Printed on 7/21/2022",34,OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyAndCityCouncil/2022-07-19.pdf