body,date,text,page,path OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyandtheCityCouncil,2020-03-03,"* Concurrent Meeting of the Meeting Minutes - FINAL March 3, 2020 Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and the City Council 5 APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT MINUTES FROM THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2020 20-0217 Attachments: View Report The Council approved as amended to the following changes: 1) To Item 7.17, strike Resolution and replace with Ordinance 2) To Item 9.1 & 9.2 strike Close Public Hearing There was 1 speaker on this item A motion was made by Noel Gallo, seconded by Lynette McElhaney, that this matter be Approve with the following amendments. The motion carried by the following vote: Excused: 1 - Thao Aye: 7 - Bas, Gallo, Kalb, McElhaney, Reid, Taylor, and Kaplan NO VOTE: 0 6 MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA AND PROCEDURAL ITEMS (Requests To: Reschedule Items From Consent To Non-Consent To The Next Council Agenda, Speak On Consent Calendar, Register Votes, Change Order Of Items, Reconsiderations, Pull Items Held In Committee): Council President made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Bas to schedule the following item Madden Fab 7 CONSENT CALENDAR (CC) ITEMS: Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Gallo, seconded by Kalb, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Excused: 1 - - Thao Aye: 6 - Bas, Gallo, Kalb, Reid, Taylor, and Kaplan Absent: 1 - - McElhaney NO VOTE: 0 City of Oakland Page 3 Printed on 7/3/2020",3,OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyandtheCityCouncil/2020-03-03.pdf