body,date,text,page,path OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyAndCityCouncil,2018-09-17,"Special Concurrent Meeting of the Meeting Minutes - FINAL September 17, 2018 Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council The Council took items out of order. 5 APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT MINUTES FROM THE MEETING OF JULY 24, 2018 18-0831 A motion was made by Annie Campbell Washington, seconded by Dan Kalb, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Excused: 1 - Brooks Aye: 7 - - Campbell Washington, Gallo, McElhaney, Guillén, Kalb, Kaplan, and Reid NO VOTE: 0 6 MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA AND PROCEDURAL ITEMS (Requests To: Reschedule Items From Consent To Non-Consent To The Next Council Agenda, Speak On Consent Calendar, Register Votes, Change Order Of Items, Reconsiderations, Pull Items Held In Committee): It was announced by the City Clerk that item 9.1 will have no action and instead be referred to the Rules and Legislation Committee for scheduling to a future meeting. At the request of Council member Kalb, item 7.4 was requested to be moved to the early portion of the non-consent portion of the agenda. The action was approved by the Council President. S4.1 Subject: The Healthy Development Guidelines From: Vice Mayor Campbell Washington, Councilmembers Kaplan, Brooks And President Pro Tem Guillen Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Commending The Community Engagement Work Of Causa Justa::Just Cause, Communities For A Better Environment, East Bay Housing Organizations, East Oakland Building Healthy Communities, Hope Collaborative And Alameda County Public Health Department To Develop The Healthy Development Guidelines, A Framework To Promote Health And Equity For New Development, And Commending The Collaborative Partnership With The Planning And Building Department [NEW TITLE] 18-0764 Sponsors: Ms. Brooks There were 3 speakers on this item A motion was made by Annie Campbell Washington, seconded by Rebecca Kaplan, that this matter be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Excused: 1 - Brooks City of Oakland Page 2 Printed on 10/3/2018",2,OaklandRedevelopmentSuccessorAgencyAndCityCouncil/2018-09-17.pdf