body,date,text,page,path OaklandRedevelopmentAgencyAndCityCouncil,2011-04-05,"Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Meeting Minutes April 5, 2011 Redevelopment Agency / City Council 10 Subject: Special Municipal Election From: Office of the City Attorney Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Adding Section 3.08.015 To Chapter 3.08 Of The Oakland Municipal Code, Entitled ""Elections,"" To Authorize The City Council To Call A Special Municipal Election On July 12, 2011 10-0530 This matter was Denied. The motion failed. Votes: Prior to any action on the item, the Council is required to approve by a 2/3 rds majority vote a finding of the need to discuss and take action on this item in compliance with the City's Sunshine Ordinance. The motion to approve an urgency finding was made by Councilmember Kaplan, seconded by Councilmember Nadel, and upon call of the roll the motion failed by 5 Ayes: Brunner, Kaplan, Kernighan, Nadel and Council President Reid and 3 Noes: Brooks, De La Fuente and Schaaf. As the vote on the urgency to discuss and take action on the item failed, this item could not be discussed and no action was taken and this matter dies on the floor. There were 4 speakers on the item. View Report.pdf City of Oakland Page 11 Printed on 5/6/11",11,OaklandRedevelopmentAgencyAndCityCouncil/2011-04-05.pdf