body,date,text,page,path FinanceAndManagementCommittee,2006-11-28,"Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Oakland Municipal Code Title 10, Chapter 10.36, Section 10.36.140 To Clarify And Comprehensively Set Forth Parking Meter Zones Throughout The City Of Oakland 06-0932 A motion was made by Member Brunner, seconded by Member Nadel, that this matter be *Approve as Amended the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / City Council, due back on December 5, 2006 as a Non-Consent item. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Councilmember Aye: Member De La Fuente, Member Brunner, Chair Quan and Member Nadel",8,FinanceAndManagementCommittee/2006-11-28.pdf PublicSafetyCommittee,2006-11-28,"The Committee directed staff to look at the following issues: 1) budget issues for fire and EMS operations from fire stations; 2) arson fire investigation and case solving as a performance measure; 3) analysis of software upgrades in",8,PublicSafetyCommittee/2006-11-28.pdf PublicWorksCommittee,2006-11-28,"- Susan Sakaki - Schuyler Morgan - Linda Christopher - Jack Macy",8,PublicWorksCommittee/2006-11-28.pdf