body,date,text,page,path RulesAndLegislationCommittee,2004-06-03,"A motion was made by Member Reid, seconded by Member Chang, to * Approve with the following amendments. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Aye; 4 - Member Chang, Member Reid, Member Wan and Chair De La Fuente The following individual spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: - Sanjiv Handa 4-1 A request to confirm the reporting out schedule for the July 27, 2004 Council Committee agenda items. Currently, the July 20, 2004 Council meeting is the last meeting scheduled prior to the Council's Summer Recess, August 2, 2004 through September 10, 2004 (04-0473) Accepted The Committee moved, seconded and carried a motion to cancel the July 27, 2004 Council Committee meetings; Vote Count 3 Ayes, 1 No - Wan 4-2 A request from the June 1, 2004 City Council Closed Session meeting for a report regarding a recommendation to issue a Request for Proposals for boarding and youth programs, and approval of capital improvement expenditures at Wildcat",2,RulesAndLegislationCommittee/2004-06-03.pdf