body,date,text,page,path OaklandCityCouncil,2004-02-17,"Agency/Councilmember Reid made a motion seconded by Agency/Councilmember Chang confirming that there were no discussions pursuant to Section 15 of the Sunshine Ordinance, and hearing no objections, the motion passed by Ayes: Agency/ Councilmember: Brooks, Brunner, Chang, Nadel, Quan, Reid, Wan and President of the Council De La Fuente -8 COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON AS REASONABLY PRACTICAL THEREAFTER: 13 Reconsideration of Ordinances pursuant to Charter Section 216 There was no action necessary for this item. 14. Consideration of items with statutory Public Hearing Requirements: Subject: Leona Quarry Residential Project 7100 Mountain Blvd. Public Hearing 14.1 From: Community and Economic Development Agency Recommendation: Conduct a Public Hearing and upon conclusion: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving the applications of the DeSilva Group to close the Leona Quarry, reclaim it and redevelop the site for 477 residential units at 7100 Mountain Boulevard in compliance with the Alameda Superior Court Order (Action Number RG-03077607); and Attachments: 0070.pdf, 14.1.pdf, 78358 CMS.pdf Resolution Number 78358 C.M.S. Upon the reading of Item 14.1 by the City Clerk, the Public Hearing was opened at 7:58 p.m. Agency/Councilmember Brooks made a motion, seconded by Agency/Councilmember Reid, to close the Public Hearing, and hearing no objections, the motion passed by Ayes: Agency/Councilmember: Brooks, Brunner, Chang, Nadel, Reid, Quan, Wan and President of the Council De La Fuente -8 The following individual spoke in favor of this item: - Frank Rose The following individual spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: - Sanjiv Handa A motion was made by Councilmember Brooks, seconded by Councilmember Reid, that this matter be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: ORAICouncilmember Ayes: Councilmember Nadel, Councilmember Brunner, Councilmember 8 - Wan, Councilmember Quan, President of the Council De La Fuente, Councilmember Brooks, Councilmember Reid and Vice Mayor Chang Enactment No: 78358 2) Adopt a Resolution modifying Resolution Number 78358 C.M.S. regarding the Leona Quarry Residential Project at 7100 Mountain Boulevard to incorporate additional conditions of approval consistent with the approved Settlement Agreement in the matter of Maureen Dorsey, et al v. City of Oakland, et al. (Councilmember Brooks, District 6) 14.1.pdf, Attachments: 78359 CMS.pdf, Leona Quarry Draft SEIR.pdf, Leona Quarry Final SEIR.pdf Resolution Number 78359 C.M.S. A motion was made by Councilmember Brooks, seconded by Councilmember Reid, that this matter be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: ORA)Councilmember Ayes: Councilmember Nadel, Councilmember Brunner, Councilmember 8 - Wan, Councilmember Quan, President of the Council De La Fuente, Councilmember Brooks, Councilmember Reid and Vice Mayor Chang Enactment No: 78359",12,OaklandCityCouncil/2004-02-17.pdf