body,date,text,page,path OaklandCityCouncil,2003-12-02,"The following individuals spoke on this item and did not indicate a position: - Sal Gomez - Barbara Sutherland - Judy Bank Leila Moncharch Agency/Councilmember Quan made a motion, seconded by Agency/Councilmember Chang, to withdraw and reschedule this Item to the December 16, 2003 City Council agenda. The motion passed by Ayes: Agency/Councilmembers: Brunner, Chang, Quan, and Wan -4; No: Brooks -1, Abstain: Nadel -1, Absent: Reid -1, Excused: President De La Fuente -1 Withdrawn and Rescheduled to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / City Council Subject: Sale of a City Owned Surplus Property 19 From: Community and Economic Development agency Recommendation: Approve the Introduction (First Reading) of an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a purchase and sales agreement for the sale of a city owned surplus property (APN 045-5276-022-02) from the negotiated sale conducted on October 24, 2003 to the highest bidder, the Hothem Trust, in the amount of $170,000 Attachments: 0290.pdf, Item 10.13 CC.pdf Item 19 12-2-03 A motion was made by Councilmember Reid, seconded by Councilmember Chang, that this matter be Approved on Introduction for Final Passage to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / City Council, due back on December 16, 2003. The motion carried by the following vote: President of the Council De La Fuente ORA)Councilmember Excused: ORAICouncilmember Ayes: Councilmember Brunner, Councilmember Wan, Vice Mayor Nadel, 7- Councilmember Quan, Councilmember Brooks, Councilmember Reid and Councilmember Chang COUNCILMEMBER BROOKS WAS NOTED ABSENT AT 8:10 P.M. Subject: Fox Theater Restoration From: Community and Economic Development Agency 20 Recommendation: A Continued discussion to Adopt the following legislation: 1) Adopt an Agency Resolution authorizing the Agency Administrator to: (1) amend the repayment agreement with the City of Oakland increasing City appropriations by $367,500 for construction work on the Fox Theater and wrap around buildings; and (2) enter into an exclusive negotiating agreement with the Paramount Theatre of the Arts, Inc., to redevelop the Fox Theater and wrap-around buildings, and Attachments: 2003-82 CMS pdf, Item 20 12-3-03 Agency Resolution Number 2003-82 C.M.S. Contract Number 03-024 The following individual spoke in favor of this item: - Ed Thomas - Phil Tagami The following individual spoke against this item: - Reverend Henry Williams - Stevan Tompkins The following individuals spoke in this item and did not indicate a position: - Sanjiv Handa - Hugh Bassette A motion was made by Vice Mayor Nadel, seconded by Councilmember Quan, that this matter be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:",7,OaklandCityCouncil/2003-12-02.pdf