body,date,text,page,path LifeEnrichmentCommittee,2003-10-28,"A motion was made by Member Quan, seconded by Member Wan, that this matter be *Received and Forwarded to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / City Council, due back on November 4, 2003. As a Non- Consent Item The motion carried by the following vote: Member Brunner, Member Quan, Member Wan and Chair Chang Councilmember Aye: COUNCILMEMBER QUAN AND COUNCILMEMBER BRUNNER WERE NOTED EXCUSED AT 7:30 P.M. A LACK OF QUORUM WAS ALSO NOTED. THE DECISION WAS MADE TO PROCEED WITH ITEMS 8 AND 9 AND ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN UPON COUNCILMEMBER BRUNNER'S RETURN THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED AT THIS TIME AND RECONVENED AS THE LIFE ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Subject: Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities 8 From: Office of the Mayor Recommendation: Receive an Informational Report regarding semi-annual activity report from January through June 2003 from the Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities Attachments: Item 8 10-28-03.pdt The following individuals spoke on Item 8: - Sanjiv Handa - Darlene Evans A motion was made by Member Wan, seconded by Member Brunner, that this matter be *Received and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote: Member Quan Councilmember Excused: Member Brunner, Member Wan and Chair Chang Councilmember Aye: Subject: Annual report from the Health and Human Services Commission 9 From: Department of Human Services Recommendation: Receive an Informational annual report from the Health and Human Services Commission Attachments: Item 9 10-28-03.pd The following individual spoke on Item 9: - Sanjiv Handa A motion was made by Member Wan, seconded by Member Brunner, that this matter be *Received and Filed. The motion carried by the following vote: Member Quan Councilmember Excused: Member Brunner, Member Wan and Chair Chang Councilmember Aye: COUNCILMEMBER BRUNNER WAS NOTED PRESENT AT 7:41 PM. Open Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES) The following individual spoke under Open Forum: Sanjiv Handa Adjournment There being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland City CounciL Life Enrichment Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.",4,LifeEnrichmentCommittee/2003-10-28.pdf PublicSafetyCommittee,2003-10-28,"Americans With Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee meetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When Notes: possible, please notify the City Clerk 48 hours prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strongly scented products to meetings. Office of the City Clerk Phone: (510) 238-7370 Fax: (510) 238-6699 Recorded Agenda (510) 238-2386 Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 839-6451",4,PublicSafetyCommittee/2003-10-28.pdf PublicWorksCommittee,2003-10-28,"Subject: Edes Avenue Project 10 From: Public Works Agency Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing award of a contract to Mosto Construction for the improvement of Edes Avenue (Project Number C166310) in the amount of two hundred thirty-one thousand one hundred sixty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($231,168.50) (PURSUANT TO SECTION 902-E OF THE CITY CHARTER, THIS ITEM REQUIRES A 2/3 VOTE) 10.32CC supp 11-4-03.pd Attachments: 78176.pdf, Item 10 10-28-03.pdf, Item 10 10-28-03 supp.pdf A motion was made by Member Brooks, seconded by Member Chang, that this matter be *Approve the Recommendation of Staff, and Forward to the Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency / City Council, due back on November 4, 2003. As a Consent Calendar item The motion carried by the following vote: Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and Member Chang Councilmember Aye: Open Forum (TOTAL TIME AVAILABLE: 15 MINUTES) The following individuals spoke and did not indicate a position on this item: Sanjiv Handa Member Quan, Member Brooks, Chair Nadel and Member Chang Councilmember Present: Adjournment There being no further business, and upon the motion duly made, the Oakland City Council Public Works Committee adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. In the event of a quorum of the City Council participates on this Committee, the meeting is noticed as a Special Meeting of the City Council; however no final City Council action can be taken. Americans With Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in Oakland City Council and Committee meetings please contact the Office of the City Clerk. When NOTES possible, please notify the City Clerk 48 hours prior to the meeting so we can make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Also, in compliance with Oakland's policy for people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strongly scented products to meetings. Office of the City Clerk Phone: (510) 238-7370 Fax: (510) 238-6699 Recorded Agenda (510) 238-2386 Telecommunications Display Device: (510) 839-6451",4,PublicWorksCommittee/2003-10-28.pdf